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Car news are abundant nowadays, from physical papers to the digital interwebs. And everywhere else other than BHPmagazine may give you more in depth details about how a car operates or how long it takes for petrol to reproduce. It's about a mass flow of unnecessary details, journalists' opinions and a joke or two to spice things up a bit. 

Yes, we are car geeks ourselves and deeper details about cars mean a stiffer stiffy too but BHPmagazine is clearly a drift away from how petrol incinerates in the valves to produce fire and force which in turn changes into energy that powers the car forward. Instead, we're about rubbish talk and honest views about anything cars. We're drivers ourselves so our take on car reviews are mainly opinions of an average driver like you. What's more? We're hip. Wait, okay we're not. 

Many may ask if we are affiliated in any way to BHPetrol. We aren't. Nor are we affiliated to any other company in other parts of the world. We're just a bunch of blokes just like you wanting our rubbish opinions about cars heard or rather, read by people just like us which in turn means you. For those wanting to support us, there are a thousand and one ways to but we'll shortlist a few for you.

- Like us on facebook
- Give us tips/scoops about cars you see on the road that has not actually started existing
- Donate?
- Contribute stories

If you are willing to tip us - tip can mean a scoop or donation FYI - you can reach us at bhpmagazine@gmail.com and if you have any questions, rants and what nots, don't worry. Drop us an e-mail. We'd read it. Yep, no kidding. We read e-mails.

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